'alchemypay', 'DisableLocalCreditCardInput' => true, ); } function alchemypay_config() { return array( 'FriendlyName' => array( 'Type' => 'System', 'Value' => 'alchemypay', ), 'description' => array( 'FriendlyName' => 'Description', 'Type' => 'textarea', 'Rows' => '3', 'Cols' => '25', 'Default' => 'Pay using Credit/debit card (including MasterCard, Visa, and Apple Pay).', 'Description' => 'This controls the description which the user sees during checkout.', ), 'wallet_address' => array( 'FriendlyName' => 'USDC Polygon Wallet Address', 'Type' => 'text', 'Description' => 'Insert your USDC Polygon Wallet address.', ), ); } function alchemypay_link($params) { $walletAddress = $params['wallet_address']; $amount = $params['amount']; $invoiceId = $params['invoiceid']; $email = $params['clientdetails']['email']; $systemUrl = rtrim($params['systemurl'], '/'); $redirectUrl = $systemUrl . '/modules/gateways/callback/alchemypay.php'; $invoiceLink = $systemUrl . '/viewinvoice.php?id=' . $invoiceId; $paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_currency = $params['currency']; $callback_URL = $redirectUrl . '?invoice_id=' . $invoiceId; $paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_final_total = $amount; $paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_gen_wallet = file_get_contents('https://api.paygate.to/control/wallet.php?address=' . $walletAddress .'&callback=' . urlencode($callback_URL)); $paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_wallet_decbody = json_decode($paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_gen_wallet, true); // Check if decoding was successful if ($paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_wallet_decbody && isset($paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_wallet_decbody['address_in'])) { // Store the address_in as a variable $paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_gen_addressIn = $paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_wallet_decbody['address_in']; $paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_gen_polygon_addressIn = $paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_wallet_decbody['polygon_address_in']; $paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_gen_callback = $paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_wallet_decbody['callback_url']; // Update the invoice description to include address_in $invoiceDescription = "Payment reference number: $paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_gen_polygon_addressIn"; // Update the invoice with the new description $invoice = localAPI("GetInvoice", array('invoiceid' => $invoiceId), null); $invoice['notes'] = $invoiceDescription; localAPI("UpdateInvoice", $invoice); } else { return "Error: Payment could not be processed, please try again (wallet address error)"; } $paymentUrl = 'https://checkout.paygate.to/process-payment.php?address=' . $paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_gen_addressIn . '&amount=' . $paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_final_total . '&provider=alchemypay&email=' . urlencode($email) . '¤cy=' . $paygatedotto_alchemypayorg_currency; // Properly encode attributes for HTML output return '' . $params['langpaynow'] . ''; } function alchemypay_activate() { // You can customize activation logic if needed return array('status' => 'success', 'description' => 'alchemypay gateway activated successfully.'); } function alchemypay_deactivate() { // You can customize deactivation logic if needed return array('status' => 'success', 'description' => 'alchemypay gateway deactivated successfully.'); } function alchemypay_upgrade($vars) { // You can customize upgrade logic if needed } function alchemypay_output($vars) { // Output additional information if needed } function alchemypay_error($vars) { // Handle errors if needed }
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